Irina Breniuc Sat, 02 Mar 2024 23:19:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Irina Breniuc 32 32 Test Recipe Sat, 02 Mar 2024 23:19:27 +0000

Recipe Card

Potato cakes, with mushrooms, chestnuts and mozzarella

Apparently quite trivial, it is in fact a very tasty, nutritionally balanced and versatile recipe. It can be cooked for a family or friends meal. It is easily adaptable to the ingredients you have at home or to the season.

Prep Time 2 hour Cook Time 1 hour Total Time 3 hrs Difficulty: Intermediate Cooking Temp: 190  °C Servings: 7 Best Season: Winter





Cake assembly:





  1. Wash, peel and cut the potatoes into cubes. Boil them until they are soft. 

    Ingrediente aluat turte de cartofi cu hribi
  2. Strain the water and mash the potatoes using a masher or a press.

  3. Stir in the flour, salt, paprika and olive oil, then cover the bowl.


  1. Rinse and cut the mushrooms and chestnuts.

    Ingrediente umplutură turte de cartofi cu hribi
  2. Slice the green onion and the green garlic thinly, add them in the pan for 2 minutes in the hot oil with truffles, add salt, thyme and pepper.

  3. Add the mushrooms, chestnuts and nutmeg and cook for 5 minutes.


  1. Add 75 grams of yoghourt in a bowl and incorporate the tapioca flour with a whisk.

  2. Add the rest of the yoghurt in a saucepan, add the tapioca yoghurt and the rest of the mozzarella ingredients.

  3. Stir constantly with a spatula to prevent lumps, until it thickens. 

  4. Add the mushroom and chestnut mixture over the mozzarella and mix vigorously until incorporated.

Cake assembly:

  1. Grease two trays with oil. 

  2. Dust the work surface and your hands with flour, then take 150 grams of the dough and form balls. I managed to get 7 balls of dough.

  3. Take each ball, flatten it in your palm, place 100 grams of filling in the middle of the disc, then bring the ends to the centre, uniting them.

  4. Place the cakes in the pan upside down, with the joint side down. 

  5. Brush them with the olive oil combined with turmeric.

  6. Sprinkle the cakes with smoked salt, sesame, poppy seeds or other seeds.

  7. Put the trays in the preheated oven at 190°C, for 30-40 minutes in total. In the last 5 minutes you can increase the temperature to 220 degrees, for roasting.


  1. Wash the dill and tarragon and remove any thick or stringy tails. 

    Ingrediente sos turte de cartofi cu hribi
  2. Mix the yoghurt with the mustard, sumac and salt.

  3. Add the greens and mix.


  1. Pune sosul într-un bol mic și așază-l pe o farfurie, lângă turtele tăiate în 4. 

  2. Dacă ai, pune o jumătate de linguriță de unt vegan peste fiecare sfert de turtă.

  3. Ornează cu sumac, microgreens sau flori.

Keywords: turte, cartofi, hribi, castane
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