Abundance of plants and flavours, at PlantEat /it/, in Constanța

Foto: Adrian Lițeanu

After eating the same food for multiple days on the Romanian seashore, a dinner at PlantEat /it/ in Constanța comes as a blessing. I tried this vegan restaurant before, in 2022, when I enjoyed their vegan salmon sandwich. So I can't wait to see what surprises it has in store for us today.

A corner of heaven, literally full of plants

PlantEat /it/ Constanța is a vegan restaurant that you could easily take for a greenhouse. From what I understood, one of the founders owns a flower shop, which made them integrate a lot of plants inside. Everywhere you look, there are some large and small pots: on the tables, next to the tables, on the shelves, next to the bar. They all seem extra vigorous, so I ask how long it takes to take care of them. It turns out that choosing the right plants for your space makes the process much easier. They only water them once a week.

Only after this plants' spell fades away do you begin to notice the clean and pleasant design. The orange walls contrast nicely with all those green leaves, but also with the floor and the grey, velvety chairs. An orange gerbera, in a transparent bottle, embelishes every table. On a counter, you can find some nutrition books, a leaflet and a #D Earth Globe. A few bright-coloured abstract paintings have their place on the walls. Below them, the PlantEat /it/ team has set up a tribute corner for the former manager, who did not survive a surgery.

We sat at the table facing the bar, eager to order.

The menu, still original

I remember having enjoyed the 2022 lunch so much that it inspired me to experiment at home with smoked carrot, the so-called vegan salmon. After having their fries, I also decided to invest in a good air fryer. So now in 2023 I came packed with high expectations.

We order a portion of sushi with tomato tartare, corn ribs and a burger with fries. The advantage of not coming alone is that I will be able to taste more dishes, although the beyond burger is not exactly something I would have chosen.

Attention to detail in every dish

The 8 sushi cubes are neatly aligned on the plate, next to a small bowl of soy sauce and a splash of wasabi. I analyse them and realise that they were carefully prepared. The immaculate white rice, with specks of black sesame here and there, hides a crunchy cucumber stick and a creamy avocado slice, wrapped in nori sheets. On top of each cube you find the umami-rich sundried tomato tartare, a drizzle of mayo that holds the sprouts in place, then some crispy onion flakes. A mouthful or two full of flavour, with a complex taste and varied texture. The perfect appetiser while waiting for the ribs.

The beyond meat burger doesn't tempt me, but my partner says it's the best vegan burger he's had so far. I take his word for it and only taste the potatoes. This time, though, they made french fries instead of slices. The sauce remains divine: a sort of vegan cheddar with turmeric, sprinkled with vegan parmesan and chopped parsley.

Finally my ribs arrive. Roasted and smoky, they come together with lime wedges and some sauce made out of mayonnaise and sriracha. I assume the corn quarters were brushed with some barbecue sauce or some other seasoning before baking, but I would have enjoyed even more of that. They are crunchy and really smoky on the edges, but with soft, chewy grains in the middle. Sprinkled with lime and a bit of the hot pink sauce, they're good, but not extraordinary. The portion is not too big, so I am glad I also had the appetisers before.

When you save some room for dessert

After a well-deserved break for digestion, I decide to also try the apple pancakes for dessert. Good choice. They are filled with a creamy milk sauce, maybe oat or coconut. They have cinnamon pan-seared apples, plus crunchy walnuts on top. A good combination, which could have been taken up a notch by adding some extra flavour to the cream.

Overall, the 2023 PlantEat /it/ experience was one of the best I had in Romania. What changed from the last time I visited is that I am more picky, because I went through the cooking class and tested some exquisite fine dining vegan food abroad. Anyway, whenever I go to the sea, I plan to re-visit , PlantEat /it/, to discover their newest recipes.