Recenzii – Irina Breniuc Fri, 12 Apr 2024 09:16:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Recenzii – Irina Breniuc 32 32 Unexpected ingredients, at Vegazzi Specialty Pizzeria in Budapest Tue, 19 Mar 2024 10:57:00 +0000 I already told you in the previous review that I travelled to Budapest in March 2024, on my way to the training centre of the Civil College Foundation, located 75 kilometres from the Hungarian capital. Now, on my way back home, after a week of healthy but somewhat repetitive homemade vegan food, I want to try something daring. So I decide to go to Vegazzi Specialty Pizzeria in Budapest, fascinated by the ingredients and the pictures.

I arrive 5 minutes before the opening time and I wander a bit on the surrounding streets. I enter at 12 sharp, and I am closely followed by a group of about 10 women, for which the waiter has to join some tables. Another couple with a baby comes in and then a lady with a 7-8 year old girl. So early and already so full - it must be a good sign.

I would try them all, but I already know what I want

When I chose the restaurant, I also consulted the menu. So I already know what I want and order before everyone else. Barbeque pizza, with hickory smoked coffee sauce, mushrooms marinated in barbeque sauce, chimichurri, dried orange, dark chocolate, whiskey and olive oil. I get so excited at only reading the ingredients. I order, but keep the menu, for a possible takeaway order. 

While waiting for the pizza, I notice the decorations. The perforated black metal bar reveals what's behind it. On the wall in front of me, the white tiles contrast nicely with the black joints. The main pizza oven is visible from the entrance. Massive and impressive, it is also white with a black chimney. Several more electric ovens are placed to its right. The splash of colour is provided by the turquoise frames of the tall windows, as well as the orange and turquoise sofas. Pictures of pizza are hanging on the walls.

The order came faster than I expected

I don't even get to analyse everything around me because the waiter brings me the pizza plate. It looks impressive with the dried oranges placed perpendicularly, adding some height to the dish. From the first bite, the barbeque taste explodes in your mouth. I initially mistook them for some dried tomatoes, but realised they were actually the marinated mushrooms. They have a firm texture, but the taste is almost entirely covered by the sour sauce.

There is a lot of super fluffy dough on the edge, and the topping sits only in the middle. I try to combine them so that I don't end up eating empty dough, although it is also extremely tasty. The chocolate comes as an unexpected surprise. Together with dried oranges, it elevates the dish, with its mild sweet taste and crunchy texture. The chimichurri sauce balances with its freshness: I can feel the finely chopped parsley, the garlic and the finely chopped red onion. There's something creamy covering the dough and I assume it's the whiskey identified on the menu.

After eating three slices out of the four, I feel almost full, probably also due to the note-taking process. But I manage to finish eat, to prevent food waste. I believe that it is the most spectacular and tasty vegan pizza I have ever had.

The pizza raised expectations a lot, but the dessert…

The waiter takes my plate away and asks if I need anything else. Although I was originally thinking of getting a takeout pizza, I decide at the last minute to order their only dessert.

As I am again waiting, I notice the cooks. Both have dark grey tunics, with buttons closing obliquely at the neck. One of them is bringing the fresh ingredients from the storage room, but then is placing them on the dough in front of everyone. The waiter brings a green coloured and a red coloured pizza to the table next to me. I identify them on the menu: the first one has mashed peas with mint, spinach, roasted brussels sprouts and pea sprouts, and the second has tomato sauce, sour cream with garlic and sun-dried tomatoes. I would definitely taste them both if I had the chance. But let's move on to dessert.

The pizza raised expectations a lot, but the dessert…

The lime tart with raspberry sauce looks pretty on the plate. I taste the elements one at a time to better identify the flavours. The tart cheese cream tastes a bit strange and I can't quite pinpoint why. Maybe it’s the tofu? The simple, thin dough has a neutral taste. You can feel the seeds in the raspberry sour sauce, but at least it is tasty. The other white sauce is a refreshing and very slightly sweet whipped cream that surprises you with some salt flakes. To add a bit of crunchiness, they sprinkled some crumbled hazelnuts on top. If you combine the elements, the dessert starts to make sense and has a good taste. But after so much food, I struggle to finish.

People keep coming and the pizza oven is constantly in action. Another couple and another couple with a baby. I pay the bill at the bar and head off to the train station. I highly recommend the place for its exquisite pizza and the chefs’ creativity when matching ingredients.

Szabad Bistró Új Hely, the Budapest restaurant with vegan shrimps Mon, 18 Mar 2024 10:09:52 +0000 Here I am again in Budapest in March 2024, on my way to the training center of the Civil College Foundation, located 75 kilometres away from the Hungarian capital. Arriving on a Sunday morning, at 9 AM, I stop at a small cafe near the train station, waiting for the opening of the vegan restaurant that I identified when I was still at home. 

Szabad Bistró Új Hely is on my way to the international bus station from where I will continue my journey to Kunbábony. It is located at the intersection of two small streets. The front door is a clear clue that the restaurant is in the basement of the building. If it weren't so cold, I'd probably sit at one of the two tables occupying a street parking spot.

Eclectic blend of styles and moods

I walk in and the first thing that stands out is the rap music, the underground style of the place and the waiters' relaxation. The place seems to be a former cellar, with large metal windows decorated by natural plants, with bricks on half of the curved ceiling and white lime on the other half. On the walls, you can still see the brick here and there, on top of which they hang up some abstract paintings with various geometric shapes. From far, the circles, diamonds and hexagons seem woven, but as you approach you can clearly see they are actually made of thinly painted black and gold lines. 

The furniture is regular, except for the metal bar stools, which have an industrial-style wheel pattern on the back. On the outside, the bar has green, white and yellow pieces of wood, which brightens up the place a bit. To access the kitchen, you have to pass through a wooden structure, on top of which there are some old radios. Here, one waiter is preparing the cutlery and trays. Behind him, there is a rather shady entrance towards the kitchen, separated by a yellow dirty material hanging from the walls.

Let's find out what food options I have

There are many tables in the restaurant and already plenty of people. I am followed by a group of 4 people, then two couples, and later on another couple with two dogs.

I receive the menu and I am instantly disappointed. I chose this place specifically to taste the vegan shrimps, and now I realise that the food is more of a fast food type: a few humus starters; bacon, parmesan, sausage and shrimp loaded potatoes and many burgers. The rice bacon carbonara sounds tempting, but I eventually order a tarragon soup and shrimps.

Did I make a good choice?

They arrive together, quite quickly. The soup looks good, a whitish broth probably made with vegetable cream, with parsley on top and lemon next to it. The first hot spoonful reveals numerous vegetables: sliced mushrooms, peas, carrot half-slices and green onion. After a few minutes of waiting for it to cool down, the sour taste of the soup delights my taste buds. I can't feel the tarragon, but the soup is tasty. I eat it pretty quickly, with the shrimps in mind.

The shrimp came in a clay dish, slightly chipped. They are coated in a super crispy deep fried dough, sprinkled with fresh parsley. Next to them there is a small transparent glass bowl with a sweet and sour sauce that is a bit too hot for me. I taste the shrimp and analyse. It's whitish on the inside and the chewy texture resembles a real shrimp. It also has a subtle fish flavour, but too mild for my taste. Together with the sauce, however, it is more than satisfying. I would order another portion to take out, especially since they have cardboard packaging and recycled napkins, but I realise I don't have enough time.

So I ask for the bill, pay, and say goodbye to the waiter who hums softly every time he passes by with a tray of food in hand. Good food, but not extraordinary.

De ce ar trebui să încerci Green Aware când ajungi în Timișoara Tue, 17 Oct 2023 09:10:00 +0000 The road from Timișoara’s city centre to Green Aware is not exactly pleasant. A busy boulevard, with two lanes in each direction, and the far too hot weather for mid-October. It's two o'clock and I'm thinking of going to the closest park first, to write the first draft of the previous restaurant’s review. But I decide first to check out the program first.

The exterior roller blind is half pulled and you are greeted by the "Sorry, we're closed" sign hanging on the open door. Inside there is nobody. I stare through both windows and someone probably notices me. Judging by the apron, it looks like the chef, who informs me that they closed early, because they are going to a festival. It is the very festival for which I came all the way to Timișoara, but I still express my regret that I cannot have the full restaurant experience. I refuse the takeaway offer and the invitation to return on Monday, since I will have already returned home by then. Hearing this, the chef invites me in to have a portion of the daily menu. After making sure I am not bothering them during preparations, I happily accept to have some oyster mushroom soup.

Bright and welcoming interior design

Inside, only one table for 4 people is in place. Some white-painted wooden chairs with green cushions on them are aligned next to the wall. The drawings on the walls inform you that this place is only serving vegan, healthy food. 

Îmi aduce supa tot bucătarul, care imediat după aranjează ceva în cutii, în camera de lângă. Simt că sunt în plus, dar încerc să mă concentrez pe supă.

The cook brings me the soup, then starts to pack something in the next room. I feel a bit like an intruder, but I'm trying to focus on the soup. It's a regular soup with vegetables and cashew cream, with pieces of oyster mushrooms.

Before eating, I notice the cutlery. They are beautifully shaped and appear to be made out of copper. Later on the owner reveals that it is actually fake copper, but they still look refined.

Preventing food waste, a priority

I start eating. Unlike other oyster mushroom soups I've eaten, this one is more nourishing. It has grated carrot in it, diced red pepper and probably onion too. Since I am sensitive to the food waste subject, I can only appreciate the way it was made. Normally, in this kind of soup, the vegetables are only boiled to flavour the soup, then removed.

In a basket next to the plate, there are 5 mini-loaves of bread - 2 made with white flour and 3 with wholemeal flour. Being so small, I expect them to be dense, but the white one surprises me with its fluffiness and nicely roasted crust.

Such an unexpected and pleasant interaction

Right before finishing my meal, a young woman looks through the restaurant’s still half-pulled roller blind. She enters and asks the lady co-owner if she can stay. The latter replies that only if it doesn't bother me to sit at the same table.

I'm actually happy to welcome her, Luiza, to my table, as I now feel less strange not being the only guest. She also orders the soup and we have a very pleasant conversation. We discover that we both studied journalism and that we have many common interests. We talk about journalism, food intolerances, mould in old houses and our repulsion towards the events organising industry. We stay more than planned, since the owners approve.

One more snack and something sweet

We also order dessert, but while waiting for it, the lady co-owner brings us some grilled cashew cheese slices. The aromatic crust wraps the soft interior and a subtle taste of fermented vegan cheese invades your mouth. Then comes the simple refreshing dessert: cooled baked apple, with chocolate on top, very affordably priced at only 6 lei.

It’s already 3:30 PM, the usual closing time for Green Aware, so we say goodbye and leave. In the evening, I can try out some more of their food, during the festival.Unfortunately, caught up in interactions with dear ones and all the discussions, I completely forgot to take pictures of the food.

Not many options, but pretty decent ones

During the festival, I decide to try out their pizza and I’d dare say it's one of the best vegan pizzas I've ever had. A true Neapolitan pizza crust, made from organic flour, fluffy and crispy on the edges. The melted homemade cashew cheese is blending nicely with the other ingredients, such as the organic tomatoes and the arugula I chose instead of basil. I like it so much that I think I'll order it again the next day. 

But on Sunday I actually go for some vegan bowl with eggplant salad, cheese, chickpea meatballs, salad and bread. As common as it may seem, it has a few elements that differentiate it from others. The aubergine salad contains carrot and diced peppers, and goes along very well with the fresh bread. The roasted cheese is so tasty and light that I could eat tons. The salad is diverse, contains kale and other tender leaves, but would have been even tastier if it came with some roasted seeds and maybe a thicker, sweet-and-sour dressing (maybe some pomegranate one). The chickpea meatballs are a bit dense and dry, making them hard to swallow. I can remember that the only time I really enjoyed falafel was at an omnivore restaurant in Bucharest, where the falafel was super fluffy.

Reasonable pricing compared to quality

The prices at the festival are a bit higher than the restaurant ones, which I can understand. But their weekly menus seemed super affordable - 42 lei for the large one and 32 lei for the small version, 17 lei for the daily soup, 32 lei for the main course, 8 lei for dessert. I'm glad they exist and that they manage to survive in a market dominated by omnivore restaurants.

Biofresh, a long-standing vegan restaurant in Timisoara Mon, 12 Jun 2023 08:30:00 +0000 On Happy Cow, there are only two vegan restaurants in Timișoara. Biofresh is one of them. The restaurant is located somewhere in the old city centre, on a pedestrian street. 

Inside, only one table is taken at this hour in the morning. The waitress greets me with a big smile, which she keeps displaying throughout our interaction. I sit at a table from which I can see what is happening behind the bar, but also at all the tables in the main room.

I have plenty of time to analyse the design

Biofresh has two generous rooms, the first with 7 tables, and the second with 8. The tables are made of wood, and so are the chairs. The latter are not very comfortable, but some colourful pillows could easily solve the problem.

The rather outdated floor tiles have a diamond pattern on them. The tall, vertical windows are each crossed by a shelf. On and under these shelves there are a bunch of natural plants, with fairy lights hanging among their branches. On the opposite wall, the bar entrance is guarded by another plant climbing all the way to the ceiling.

It is accompanied by the palm leaves painted on the wall, using green and cream nuances, contrasting with their golden branches. Above my table, the two blackboards painted on the wall are displaying probably the most popular dishes from the menu.

Smoothie, la Biofresh, în Timișoara

Pretty lively for a Friday morning

When I entered, only one table was taken. But people keep coming in, which is a good indicator for the restaurant's popularity. The waitress's joy and kindness remains no matter the context. When a tall man refuses to have vegan coffee, she directs him to the restaurant next door. Then, when she gets some passive-aggressive remarks from another gentleman upset that he didn't get his food at the same time as his partner, she responds calmly.

She approaches my table. I order an apple, celery, kiwi, spinach and maca powder juice, without a straw, then ask her to help me choose the main course, as there's nothing on the menu that particularly appeals to me. I oscillate between baked potatoes with mushrooms and vegetables, fajitas with vegetables and artichokes with vegetables. She tells me that she likes fajitas a lot, but that the portion is a bit big. I follow her recommendation and plan to take away leftovers.

People keep coming into the restaurant, either to dine inside or to grab their daily menu. Two women also enter the place, heading straight towards the bar, and I can tell from the nutrition discussions initiated with the customers that one of them is probably the founder.

A really generous portion, but…

I get the fajitas and the four pieces barely fit on the plate. The pita bread is crunchy, but the vegetables have a bland taste and not so much texture. I can however identify carrot, mushroom, green onion and diced red pepper. I would have cooked them less and added more spices. After a few mouthfuls, it gets a little too spicy for my taste. But the sensation dissipates as I combine it with the much too simple guacamole paste. Kind of disappointed.

I manage to eat only two of the four pieces and I am happy to find out that the takeout boxes are made of cardboard. The leftover food would be great during the weekend, when the vegan restaurants in Timișoara are all closed.

The next day, a friend living in Timișoara tells me that Biofresh has pretty much the same menu since the beginning. And they've been on the market for a while: 12 years in total, 8 of which at the location I visited. Despite the simplicity of the menu, they seem to be doing well, according to the waitress. The traffic I noticed was low according to her and they are mostly visited by foreigners. 

Abundance of plants and flavours, at PlantEat /it/, in Constanța Fri, 09 Jun 2023 15:20:00 +0000 Foto: Adrian Lițeanu

After eating the same food for multiple days on the Romanian seashore, a dinner at PlantEat /it/ in Constanța comes as a blessing. I tried this vegan restaurant before, in 2022, when I enjoyed their vegan salmon sandwich. So I can't wait to see what surprises it has in store for us today.

A corner of heaven, literally full of plants

PlantEat /it/ Constanța is a vegan restaurant that you could easily take for a greenhouse. From what I understood, one of the founders owns a flower shop, which made them integrate a lot of plants inside. Everywhere you look, there are some large and small pots: on the tables, next to the tables, on the shelves, next to the bar. They all seem extra vigorous, so I ask how long it takes to take care of them. It turns out that choosing the right plants for your space makes the process much easier. They only water them once a week.

Only after this plants' spell fades away do you begin to notice the clean and pleasant design. The orange walls contrast nicely with all those green leaves, but also with the floor and the grey, velvety chairs. An orange gerbera, in a transparent bottle, embelishes every table. On a counter, you can find some nutrition books, a leaflet and a #D Earth Globe. A few bright-coloured abstract paintings have their place on the walls. Below them, the PlantEat /it/ team has set up a tribute corner for the former manager, who did not survive a surgery.

We sat at the table facing the bar, eager to order.

The menu, still original

I remember having enjoyed the 2022 lunch so much that it inspired me to experiment at home with smoked carrot, the so-called vegan salmon. After having their fries, I also decided to invest in a good air fryer. So now in 2023 I came packed with high expectations.

We order a portion of sushi with tomato tartare, corn ribs and a burger with fries. The advantage of not coming alone is that I will be able to taste more dishes, although the beyond burger is not exactly something I would have chosen.

Attention to detail in every dish

The 8 sushi cubes are neatly aligned on the plate, next to a small bowl of soy sauce and a splash of wasabi. I analyse them and realise that they were carefully prepared. The immaculate white rice, with specks of black sesame here and there, hides a crunchy cucumber stick and a creamy avocado slice, wrapped in nori sheets. On top of each cube you find the umami-rich sundried tomato tartare, a drizzle of mayo that holds the sprouts in place, then some crispy onion flakes. A mouthful or two full of flavour, with a complex taste and varied texture. The perfect appetiser while waiting for the ribs.

The beyond meat burger doesn't tempt me, but my partner says it's the best vegan burger he's had so far. I take his word for it and only taste the potatoes. This time, though, they made french fries instead of slices. The sauce remains divine: a sort of vegan cheddar with turmeric, sprinkled with vegan parmesan and chopped parsley.

Finally my ribs arrive. Roasted and smoky, they come together with lime wedges and some sauce made out of mayonnaise and sriracha. I assume the corn quarters were brushed with some barbecue sauce or some other seasoning before baking, but I would have enjoyed even more of that. They are crunchy and really smoky on the edges, but with soft, chewy grains in the middle. Sprinkled with lime and a bit of the hot pink sauce, they're good, but not extraordinary. The portion is not too big, so I am glad I also had the appetisers before.

When you save some room for dessert

After a well-deserved break for digestion, I decide to also try the apple pancakes for dessert. Good choice. They are filled with a creamy milk sauce, maybe oat or coconut. They have cinnamon pan-seared apples, plus crunchy walnuts on top. A good combination, which could have been taken up a notch by adding some extra flavour to the cream.

Overall, the 2023 PlantEat /it/ experience was one of the best I had in Romania. What changed from the last time I visited is that I am more picky, because I went through the cooking class and tested some exquisite fine dining vegan food abroad. Anyway, whenever I go to the sea, I plan to re-visit , PlantEat /it/, to discover their newest recipes.

A sweet treat at one of Vienna’s Swing Kitchens Thu, 08 Jun 2023 14:37:00 +0000 As I am heading to Swing Kitchen in Vienna already full, I am just thinking of trying something sweet. I found 7 locations on Happy Cow, which makes me a little sceptical. Is it a franchise? A Google search tells me that it is, adding to my distrust.

I am close to the one on Josefstädter street no. 73. I'm glad that they have a generous terrace in the street, taking up the space for 3 parking lots. I enter and, after waiting for a few minutes, I order a cherry cheesecake, then return to the terrace.

So good you want more

I don't have high expectations from this dessert, but the first mouth surprises me in a positive way. It is extremely tasty and reminds me of the cake my mum used to make for Easter. The dough is thin and the cheese is just a bit sweet. What makes me happy is that it uses tofu and not cashew, which makes it light and airy. The sour cherry is refreshing, complementing this tart wonderfully.

Cheesecake, la Swing, în Viena
Cheesecake, la Swing, în Viena

As I finish it, I realise I want more and order another one for takeout. I'm starting to regret not having planned a complete meal at Swing Kitchen. Maybe another time.

Oscar Pizza: it takes more than a good dough for a great experience Wed, 07 Jun 2023 14:13:00 +0000 În căutarea unei pizzerii vegane mai stilate decât Pizzis and Cream, iată-mă ajunsă la Oscar Pizza din Viena.

Din afară, arată ca un fast food comun, cu meniul expus pe pereții exteriori, folosind o combinație cam țipătoare de fundal negru, scris alb și titluri galbene. 

In front of the restaurant, there is a small terrace on the street,occupying one parking spot. It has a wooden floor and a cheap-looking fence, single-leg black tables and chairs made out of woven plastic. Six flower pots hang onto the fence, embellishing the landscape.

Expectations too high, unpleasant interaction

The first disappointment arrived as soon as I read the menu. Although on Happy Cow the place appears as vegan, on the pizza list they have several options with animal products. However, there are plant-based options for both pizza (20 out of 50) and pasta (4 out of 10), and they also serve other vegan dishes such as wraps, burgers, kebabs, falafel and hummus.

I enter the place, trying to decide if I want to stay inside or outside. The interaction with the 2 men made it clear. One of them joked about them not understanding English, while the other one laughed and then scolded his companion. There is an open kitchen and Turkish music is echoing at a disturbing volume. I order a Mediterranean pizza and go out on the terrace.

High hopes about the pizza I ordered

The pizza comes pretty quickly and looks decent. The dough is fluffy around the edges and tasty, but the grated cheese they used is definitely a cheap one, too oily and probably lacking any nutritional value. I put the jalapeno rings aside so I can enjoy the capers, artichokes and olives without feeling my mouth burning. Overall, it's a bit salty, due to the combination of olives, capers and cheese. 

I intend to take away some of it, but in the end I manage to finish it right there. I would not repeat this experience, even if I were curious about other varieties in their menu.

Schlicht Vegan, a restaurant checking most of my values Tue, 06 Jun 2023 13:43:00 +0000 Schlicht Vegan in Vienna is not only vegan. The chefs cook with local and regional ingredients, trying to minimise waste and even aiming for zero waste. So when I saw that they are organising a brunch on my last day in Vienna, I didn't hesitate.

It's more than one hour's walk from my accommodation to Schlicht Vegan, so I decide to take public transportation. The restaurant is located outside the tourist area, which means it is also quieter. Perfect for the end of a rather tiring trip.

I arrive 10 minutes earlier than the starting time, so there is not much surprise to see that I am the only guest for the moment. The host invites me to take a seat. I choose one of the 4 tables outside, while worrying that I'm taking up the space for 4 people. The drink menu arrives, as it is not included in the brunch. I order some lavender water. By the time it arrives, I notice the white textile napkin, the sophisticated metal salt and pepper shakers, and the small succulent plant placed in a glass, on top of some orange and brown pebbles.

How many appetisers can you stack on a plate?

The lavender fuzzy water has a very subtle sweet taste and smells great. I get up from the table and head to the buffet to try the starters. I notice the white, simple plates, as well as the variety of dishes: 

  • green and white asparagus, most likely raw or steamed, marinated in strawberry sauce; a surprising combination to me, but common from what I see on the internet; the sauce has an intense but simple taste of strawberries, without any seasoning, so as not to completely overpower the extremely tender asparagus; the reddish dots are probably sumac; great combination, worth replicating at home!
  • hemp paste, towards which I was sceptical at first, thinking the hemp flavour will be too prominent; it isn't, as it probably also contains something else, maybe yellow lentils, maybe some fried onions; it's a bit salty, but tasty;
  • lentils with tomatoes and diced pickled cucumbers; this is already the second time I come across this type of lentils salad in Austria and I wonder why I has never crossed my mind to cook it this way; its taste is quite plain and ordinary, but goes well along other dishes, complementing them with its sour taste and nutritional value;
  • boiled potatoes, with chives and a drizzle of mayonnaise with mustard, just enough to prevent being too heavy from the oil;
  • antipasti - eggplant, yellow and red baked peppers, floating in too much oil for my taste, without any interesting seasoning;
  • curry rice ball, fried, very tasty;
  • the pepper tart, my favourite until now; it has a very thin crust, sliced yellow peppers, a very tasty vegan cheese, plus dry green spices; I refrain from taking another piece, to save some space for the following dishes.

In terms of flavours and unexpected combinations, the strawberry asparagus salad and the pepper tart stood out. Otherwise, I think that the dishes lacked some spices. 

Asparagus, the ultimate star

They weren't kidding with their local ingredients statement. It is May now, so the asparagus became the superstar. After the strawberry salad, here comes the soup. A super creamy, sweet and sour, slightly too salty white asparagus cream soup. It has an interesting taste that I can neither define nor identify.

Asparagus was also present during the main course. This time, the green one, dressed in sauce hollandaise, made from soy milk, turmeric, mustard and some olive oil or vegan butter. The simple boiled potato and parsley salad complements it well.

Aldreay kind of full after so many dished, I tried hard to also taste:

  • the rather bland green lentil stew with onion and carrot;
  • some pasta with peppers, potatoes and onions, a strange combination from a nutritional point of view, but somehow tasty;
  • the sour red cabbage pie, which looks spectacular but is seriously lacking spices.

After finishing with the main course, I have reached a conclusion regarding the cooking style at Schlicht Vegans. They use quality ingredients, but the combinations are too simple, as if they lack the courage to surprise us with new flavours or bold combinations. Or maybe that's exactly what they're trying to do, that is to highlight the ingredients, through simplicity?

Let's move on to dessert

The cocoa sponge cake is a delight, while the dense pecan cake would have been perfect with some frosting on top. In the glass, there is some fluffy syrupy dough with strawberry sauce, whipped cream and some fresh mint. The texture and taste remind me of the classical savarin.

On the verge of exploding, I save the rest of the cake for later. Despite the simplicity of many dishes, I appreciate the variety and values that Schlicht Vegan promotes and implements. It would be great if we would have some sort of a Schlicht Vegan in every city.

Up for some Vietnamese food in Vienna? You can choose Vevi. But is it worth it? Mon, 05 Jun 2023 15:59:00 +0000 Recenziile foarte bune de pe internet m-au determinat să fac rezervare la una dintre cele trei locații ale restaurantul vietnamez Vevi din Viena. Întrucât vreau să mă plimb pe lângă Dunăre, l-am ales de pe strada Leithastraße 21.

Nu sunt prea încântată de alegere când îmi dau seama că este localizat într-un centru comercial al unui cartier rezidențial. Am noroc totuși că doar restaurantul este deschis din tot centrul, fiind trecut de ora 6 seara.

The design, a mixture between modern and traditional 

I take a seat at a table that proves to be too close to 3 rowdy men. But I'm forced to stay as it's the only one with access to a socket plug. Until the menu makes its way to my table, I'm analysing the minimalist-industrial design. Wooden tables with metal legs, simple black chairs, plastic plants hanging from the black ceiling along with the grey piping. 

My attention goes to the huge drawing on the opposite wall, depicting a Vietnamese goddess serving a bowl of Pho soup. The vivid colours, the multiple shades of turquoise, orange and yellow, contrast nicely with the simplicity of the other elements in the restaurant. 

The food, far below expectations

The waitress who brings the menu is also helping me with some recommendations. She seems involved and eager to help, which contributes to the overall experience.

The main course is here already. The dish looks spectacular, with the fried shredded pastry on top. But unfortunately, it is rather bland. It's meant to be some kind of vegan shrimp, but it doesn't have enough flavour, although the texture inside is chewy. At least the tomato, peppers and raisins salad comes with a super tasty dressing.

A dessert with a new ingredient

I hope that the dessert will elevate this culinary experience. I ordered the recommended one, the pandan pudding. I have no idea what this pandan is, so I search for it online. Apparently they are naturally sweet leaves used to flavour Thai dishes, most often turned into a paste for desserts. 

The pudding itself impresses no one the way it is served. But it has an interesting, aromatic, intense taste, and the chocolate on top complements it well. They brought me two portions so I am struggling a bit to eat it all. Now I understand why all the reviews mentioned the size of the dishes.

Popular, despite my opinion

At first only 3 tables were taken, but now there are customers at seven of them. Although if we are in a less popular part of Vienna, Vevi seems to be successful here as well. However, for me, it was not that great. Despite the novel ingredients and specific cooking techniques, I would rate the food as rather mediocre.

Pizza and ice cream in the same place. What else could you wish for? Fri, 02 Jun 2023 15:29:00 +0000 I am heading to Pizzi and Cream in Vienna, in search of a quality vegan pizza. 

Judging by the exterior, the place resembles an out-dated seaside village shop. Same feeling as you go inside. Old white tiles cover everything in sight: the floor, the counter and the tables. On the right, you can find 3 really worn-out black eco-leather sofas, plus some wooden chairs around the tables. There is an excessive use of red in both the printed menu found on the table and the one on the wall, reminding you of aggressive advertisements. Turkish music is playing in the background, whose volume is a bit too loud for my taste.

I am feeling sceptical and distrustful. But, I am giving it a try, since I can supervise the chef cooking in the open kitchen. He seems to be a one man show, juggling everything: he takes orders, cooks, serves both pizza and ice cream, and is also able to chat with customers. His attitude made me relax, especially as he is trying hard to find a solution to charge my phone.

Many option on the menu, but not in reality

There is not much to choose from the already prepared pizza. However, the chef invites me to pick up any type of pizza listed on the menu. He then starts preparing it, even though I just wanted a slice or two. I go for the one with mozzarella and spinach. Wow, such a surprise! A generous amount of super stretchy vegan mozzarella enriches the fluffy tasty dough. The spinach is slightly overcooked, reminding me of my mum’s spinach dish which I used to hate as a child. However, to my surprise, the overcooked spinach goes well with the olives, the onions and the cheese. I regret coming here after having such a generous breakfast and right before my booked dinner. I would like to try all the pizza types and there are quite a few.

Despite the general appearance of this place, some elements made me less critique. The napkins are made from recycled paper, they have organic ingredients, and they planted basil in the metal tomato juice cans. 

Out of curiosity, I also get dessert

I eventually decide to try some ice cream as well, so I opt for gingerbread and vanilla. The first mouthful makes me regret having chosen it, since it is way too sweet. However, it’s incredibly creamy for a vegan ice cream and that’s all that matters. I can't wait to reach the black cone, my preferate reason for eating ice cream. I leave with the icecream in my hand, determined to enjoy it in a park. 

I would return to Pizzi and Cream, but only to order takeout.
