Unexpected ingredients, at Vegazzi Specialty Pizzeria in Budapest

I already told you in the previous review that I travelled to Budapest in March 2024, on my way to the training centre of the Civil College Foundation, located 75 kilometres from the Hungarian capital. Now, on my way back home, after a week of healthy but somewhat repetitive homemade vegan food, I want to try something daring. So I decide to go to Vegazzi Specialty Pizzeria in Budapest, fascinated by the ingredients and the pictures.

I arrive 5 minutes before the opening time and I wander a bit on the surrounding streets. I enter at 12 sharp, and I am closely followed by a group of about 10 women, for which the waiter has to join some tables. Another couple with a baby comes in and then a lady with a 7-8 year old girl. So early and already so full - it must be a good sign.

I would try them all, but I already know what I want

When I chose the restaurant, I also consulted the menu. So I already know what I want and order before everyone else. Barbeque pizza, with hickory smoked coffee sauce, mushrooms marinated in barbeque sauce, chimichurri, dried orange, dark chocolate, whiskey and olive oil. I get so excited at only reading the ingredients. I order, but keep the menu, for a possible takeaway order. 

While waiting for the pizza, I notice the decorations. The perforated black metal bar reveals what's behind it. On the wall in front of me, the white tiles contrast nicely with the black joints. The main pizza oven is visible from the entrance. Massive and impressive, it is also white with a black chimney. Several more electric ovens are placed to its right. The splash of colour is provided by the turquoise frames of the tall windows, as well as the orange and turquoise sofas. Pictures of pizza are hanging on the walls.

The order came faster than I expected

I don't even get to analyse everything around me because the waiter brings me the pizza plate. It looks impressive with the dried oranges placed perpendicularly, adding some height to the dish. From the first bite, the barbeque taste explodes in your mouth. I initially mistook them for some dried tomatoes, but realised they were actually the marinated mushrooms. They have a firm texture, but the taste is almost entirely covered by the sour sauce.

There is a lot of super fluffy dough on the edge, and the topping sits only in the middle. I try to combine them so that I don't end up eating empty dough, although it is also extremely tasty. The chocolate comes as an unexpected surprise. Together with dried oranges, it elevates the dish, with its mild sweet taste and crunchy texture. The chimichurri sauce balances with its freshness: I can feel the finely chopped parsley, the garlic and the finely chopped red onion. There's something creamy covering the dough and I assume it's the whiskey identified on the menu.

After eating three slices out of the four, I feel almost full, probably also due to the note-taking process. But I manage to finish eat, to prevent food waste. I believe that it is the most spectacular and tasty vegan pizza I have ever had.

The pizza raised expectations a lot, but the dessert…

The waiter takes my plate away and asks if I need anything else. Although I was originally thinking of getting a takeout pizza, I decide at the last minute to order their only dessert.

As I am again waiting, I notice the cooks. Both have dark grey tunics, with buttons closing obliquely at the neck. One of them is bringing the fresh ingredients from the storage room, but then is placing them on the dough in front of everyone. The waiter brings a green coloured and a red coloured pizza to the table next to me. I identify them on the menu: the first one has mashed peas with mint, spinach, roasted brussels sprouts and pea sprouts, and the second has tomato sauce, sour cream with garlic and sun-dried tomatoes. I would definitely taste them both if I had the chance. But let's move on to dessert.

The pizza raised expectations a lot, but the dessert…

The lime tart with raspberry sauce looks pretty on the plate. I taste the elements one at a time to better identify the flavours. The tart cheese cream tastes a bit strange and I can't quite pinpoint why. Maybe it’s the tofu? The simple, thin dough has a neutral taste. You can feel the seeds in the raspberry sour sauce, but at least it is tasty. The other white sauce is a refreshing and very slightly sweet whipped cream that surprises you with some salt flakes. To add a bit of crunchiness, they sprinkled some crumbled hazelnuts on top. If you combine the elements, the dessert starts to make sense and has a good taste. But after so much food, I struggle to finish.

People keep coming and the pizza oven is constantly in action. Another couple and another couple with a baby. I pay the bill at the bar and head off to the train station. I highly recommend the place for its exquisite pizza and the chefs’ creativity when matching ingredients.