fără soia – Irina Breniuc https://ib.eco/en Tue, 06 Aug 2024 15:24:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://ib.eco/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/ib-color.svg fără soia – Irina Breniuc https://ib.eco/en 32 32 Cauliflower, 4 ways https://ib.eco/en/recipe/conopida-4-feluri/ https://ib.eco/en/recipe/conopida-4-feluri/#respond Sun, 08 Oct 2023 11:10:00 +0000 https://ib.eco/?post_type=recipe&p=689 Conopida în 4 feluri este un preparat complex, care necesită răbdare și timp. Cu o bună gestiune în bucătărie, te poți încadra în mai puțin de două ore de gătit efectiv, fără a pune la socoteală timpul în care aștepți. Varianta prin fierbere este mult mai rapidă decât cea care implică sous-vide, care are însă avantajul unui gust mult mai intens. Dacă o alegi pe a doua, recomand împărțirea rețetei pe două zile: într-o zi pregătești ingredientele, iar a doua zi le gătești și te bucuri de ele.

To make it easier to follow, I have divided the recipe into sections, in the order of their cooking: puree, sauce, steak, truffle, wings. You'll find the list of ingredients and equipment needed for each item, then a list of all the instructions.

https://ib.eco/en/recipe/conopida-4-feluri/feed/ 0
Cashew butter, a guilty pleasure https://ib.eco/en/recipe/unt-de-caju-o-placere-vinovata/ https://ib.eco/en/recipe/unt-de-caju-o-placere-vinovata/#respond Mon, 05 Jun 2023 11:43:00 +0000 https://ib.eco/?post_type=recipe&p=1042 Until a few years ago, I avoided using cashew nuts, knowing how problematic their production is from a social and environmental point of view. However, I sometimes ended up satisfying my own and my partner's cravings by buying vegan butter wrapped in plastic (even if it's recycled, it's still plastic). So I decided to experiment with a homemade cashew butter recipe. It took me a few failed attempts to get to this rather satisfying outcome. I'm going to try it with almonds too.

In this recipe, I fermented the yoghurt at home. For this, however, you need a fermentation machine or box, in order to keep the temperature constant at 42 degrees Celsius. If you doubt you will be making homemade yoghurt too often and therefore it is not worth the investment, you can shorten the time and effort invested in this recipe by replacing the vegan yoghurt with store bought versions.

The ingredients below result in about 250 grams of finished product, about the size of a standard pack of butter. I usually double the amount though, as it's easier to measure and the butter can be kept in the freezer until ready to use. (You can automatically multiply the amount within the recipe, using the dedicated plug-in.)

https://ib.eco/en/recipe/unt-de-caju-o-placere-vinovata/feed/ 0