alte specialități – Irina Breniuc Tue, 06 Aug 2024 15:34:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 alte specialități – Irina Breniuc 32 32 Potato cakes, with mushrooms, chestnuts and mozzarella Tue, 12 Dec 2023 11:50:00 +0000 The potato cake recipe is a perfect way to avoid food waste. You can do it if you have leftover mashed potatoes or other ingredients in small quantities in the fridge. In this recipe, I am using einkorn flour, porcini mushrooms and chestnuts, but you can replace them with other types of flour, mushrooms, nuts and vegetables.

I prepared the yoghurt at home, according to this recipe. However, you can replace it with a commercial vegan yoghurt, to shorten the time spent in the kitchen. I also tried buying chestnuts in bulk, roasting them and peeling them. I regretted it bitterly, as they were mostly rotten and I wasted about 3 hours in the process. If you do not have the guarantee that they are fresh, I recommend you buy jared ready-peeled roasted chestnuts from supermarkets.

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Cauliflower, 4 ways Sun, 08 Oct 2023 11:10:00 +0000 Conopida în 4 feluri este un preparat complex, care necesită răbdare și timp. Cu o bună gestiune în bucătărie, te poți încadra în mai puțin de două ore de gătit efectiv, fără a pune la socoteală timpul în care aștepți. Varianta prin fierbere este mult mai rapidă decât cea care implică sous-vide, care are însă avantajul unui gust mult mai intens. Dacă o alegi pe a doua, recomand împărțirea rețetei pe două zile: într-o zi pregătești ingredientele, iar a doua zi le gătești și te bucuri de ele.

To make it easier to follow, I have divided the recipe into sections, in the order of their cooking: puree, sauce, steak, truffle, wings. You'll find the list of ingredients and equipment needed for each item, then a list of all the instructions.

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