Vegan recipes and menus

I like to experiment. I have few dishes that I repeat and even then they vary. That's because, when I cook for myself and my loved ones, I make use of what I have in the fridge and keep an eye on the ingredients.

But thanks to the vegan chef course, I learned the necessary skills to develop a recipe as per the book, starting from given criteria or ingredients.

So I can create recipes and menus for restaurants, event organizers or people who need a little help in the kitchen. If you are interested in this consulting service, you can fill out this form.

Strategies for sustainable kitchens

When I cook, I am guided by some principles integrated throughout my career in journalism, activism and environmental research.

I will mainly choose local and organic ingredients and only when it is not possible otherwise I will opt for packaged products. I reuse the ingredients that remain and what I can't save I turn into compost.

I have a holistic view of what a truly green kitchen could mean and would be happy to inspire others to adopt sustainable strategies. If you want to improve your kitchen practices, you can fill out the form below.

Workshops and courses

I've been cooking vegetarian for about 9 years, and vegan for about 5. I followed a vegan chefs course for 6 months with Day Radley, an experienced British vegan chef, and I practiced for 2 months in a predominantly plant-based restaurant .

I would be delighted to be able to share the knowledge gained, in workshops on specific topics or in somewhat longer courses. If you would be interested in a workshop or a course, please leave me a message using the form below.

What people I've worked with say

Ion Ion


Local and seasonal ingredients and responsible waste management have created a delicious and ethical dining experience. I highly recommend this service to anyone concerned about sustainability!

Diana Stoica


Hey guys! I want to share my experience with Irina's cooking workshop. It was a great experience to learn how to cook various dishes from starters to main dishes, all vegan. I didn't think I would be able to make them tasty, but with Irina's help I did.

Jocelyn Both


Hey guys! I want to share my experience with Irina's cooking workshop. It was a great experience to learn how to cook various dishes from starters to main dishes, all vegan. I didn't think I would be able to make them tasty, but with Irina's help I did.

Get in touch with me!

Ca să fie mai ușor, spune-mi în formular ce serviciu te interesează și câteva detalii despre tine.